
Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Cybernats v Cybertrots?

It seems there's a bit of a kerfuffle about the Labour Chanter blog at the moment. I looked in on it a couple of times and thought it looked to be on thin ice with most of the postings. It also seemed to be clearly aiming a swipe at the anti-SNP Leaky Chanter blog, as well as at another blogger called Scottish Unionist. Labour have duly complained about some of the lurid allegations and the Guardian have waded in with an article about it.

Now normally I wouldn't mention the above, all these blog stories seem to be getting a bit too self-referential, but I couldn't help but notice a mammoth (or perhaps rather a pygmy elephant) upsurge of hits for Brigadoon today. What to make of it?

Are battalions of cybertrots (as I shall henceforth refer to them) trawling the web, looking for anti-Labour smears in a desperate attempt to deflect attention from their own political pigsty, aka 10 Downing Street? Or has someone somewhere simply added a link to Brigadoon thus bringing in more visitors? Either way, welcome one and all! Have a good rummage around and I hope you like/hate some of what you see!


  1. I guess the extra votes are a result of Iain Dale

  2. Yep. Iain's spotted your blog and given you a listing in his blogs that are new to him section.

    It's a very Prestigious list.

  3. Thanks for the headsup chaps, albeit tempered with a hearty damn, as that rather shoots down my cybertrots conspiracy theory!

    Wish I had more time for this blogging malarkey, but the real world of work (and forfar-quine's growing disapproval!) intervenes all too often. Never mind.


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