
Thursday, 31 December 2009

Extraordinary Renditions

Well, I couldn't let December pass without at least one post. In hope of giving you all a giggle, and in the retrospective spirit of Auld Year's Nicht, I've put together some of my poems from earlier in the year in one handy pdf, hosted by the lovely people at scribd since Google blogger only allows images to be attached (or so it seems...?). Below there might just be a flashy embedded version of the pdf, at least I think that's what all that html should do...

Extraordinary Renditions

Wahey! It seems to work. Most of the poems were originally posted on Blether with Brian, before overzealous/inconsistent moderation led me to the greener pastures of Brigadoon. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading them (again) and very best wishes to everyone for 2010! Who knows what the New Year will bring...? A change of UK government, complete with numerous "Portillo moments" (SoS losing his seat anyone?!)? An independence referendum/thwarting of democracy? The first signs of intelligent life on the Labour front bench in Holyrood? Ok, I'm clearly struggling now and have entered the realms of the ridiculous. Time to open that 18 year old Talisker and wrest control of the remote from forfar-quine (she's just put Pride & Prejudice on, yet again...).


  1. All the best for you and your family in the coming years and keep posting.

  2. Had me roaring with laughter.

    Happy New Year Loon. All the best for 2010.

  3. Thanks all, I'll do my best to make a bit more time for blogging this year, but that probably only amounts to a wee fraction of a New Year's resolution. Mind you, it is nice to let off steam now and then, so when the mood takes me I'll see what I can rustle up. In the meantime best wishes to you all!


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