
Friday, 22 January 2010

101 uses for Iain Gray: #72 Cartographer Royal

Did my eyes and ears deceive me yesterday dear reader? Iain Gray, digging ever deeper, like a hyperactive mole on steroids late for an appointment at the optician (ok, with hindsight perhaps I spent too long listening to Bill McLaren clips), attempts to land a blow on Republican Rose and Wee Eck with this abject non-story about the Balmoral footpaths. Jings, crivvens, help ma Boab! What a scandalous dereliction of duty by those SNP ne'er-do-wells! The outrage was palpable, palpably desperate. Right to roam? Gray seems more interested in his right to drone.

Worth a mention in passing is the Daily Telegraph's headline writer - clearly feeling that "Republican" was insufficiently bilious they plumped instead for the positively poisonous "Antimonarchist" in Simon Johnson's article. Even here in Brigadoon I could hear the loyal subjects of Tunbridge Wells spitting their Darjeeling out.


  1. typical labour more interested in the sponging english/german/greek royals other than people who realy need help

  2. Thanks Conan and Anon for your comments. Bizarre isn't it? The party of the working class denying the people their right to walk along a couple of paths. You can just imagine the terrorists rubbing their hands with glee, fortress Balmoral, once thought impregnable is now revealed to have...footpaths passing nearby! Nothing can stop them now!

  3. PS Just looking at the new Caledonian Mercury - Rab McNeil's sketch of FMQs is well worth a read!

  4. Beautifully written.


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